Saturday, September 14, 2024
Good News in the WorldIndia700 villagers transform dead river, sparkling success in 70 days

700 villagers transform dead river, sparkling success in 70 days

In a heartwarming tale of community spirit and environmental stewardship, 700 villagers from Kerala came together to breathe life back into their beloved Kuttemperoor river.

Over a span of 70 days, mostly women, braved toxic waste and illnesses to clean and de-silt the river.

What was once a narrow cesspool of disease is now a vibrant water body, teeming with life.

The villagers’ relentless efforts, under the National Rural Jobs Guarantee Scheme, paid off as the river began to flow freely again.

Their determination didn’t waver despite challenges like drought and health setbacks.

Now, with water sources replenished …

Source image: Mabel Amber / Pexels


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