Saturday, September 14, 2024
GlobalOtherBhutan going fully organic: Himalayan kingdom aims to be world's first

Bhutan going fully organic: Himalayan kingdom aims to be world’s first

Bhutan, a small Himalayan kingdom, is aiming to be the first country in the world to completely switch to organic farming.

This means banning chemical fertilizers and pesticides and relying on natural methods to grow crops.

The government believes this will not only protect the environment but also allow farmers to grow more food and even export organic crops to neighboring countries.

Bhutan’s farmers are already using some traditional organic techniques.

The country already has clean water and electricity for most people and is covered in forests.

This is a bold decision, but Bhutan is known for its …

Source video: Gofar Bhutan on YouTube

Source image: bhuwanpurohit / Pixabay


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