Tuesday, January 14, 2025
VideoRevolutionary carbon farming: A beacon of hope in the climate crisis

Revolutionary carbon farming: A beacon of hope in the climate crisis

In his groundbreaking book, Eric Toensmeier unveils the potential of carbon farming to combat climate change.

Toensmeier, a Yale lecturer and senior fellow at Project Drawdown, proposes a transformative approach by integrating agroforestry and perennial crops into agriculture.

He emphasizes that alongside reduced fossil fuel emissions, carbon farming can restore atmospheric CO2 levels to a sustainable 350 parts per million.

It also boosts food security and improves soil quality.

Despite challenges like financial transition periods for farmers, Toensmeier advocates for a carbon tax to facilitate the shift.

The USDA has initiated carbon farming …

Source video: Eric Toensmeier on YouTube

Source image: tookapic / Pixabay

Source: civileats.com

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