Good News in the WorldEuropeSailing into the future: Portuguese' power dock sets sail with off-grid solar...

Sailing into the future: Portuguese’ power dock sets sail with off-grid solar charging for electric boats

Portuguese innovators Faro Electric Boats have introduced a groundbreaking solution to power electric boats off-grid—the Faro PowerDock. This pioneering solar-powered dock and boat lift boasts a self-sustaining canopy of solar panels, swiftly charging its internal battery with just a day of sunlight.

Facilitating 10.2 to 30.6 kWh of battery capacity, it addresses a pressing need for remote charging options. Priced between €135,000 to €170,000, this marvel offers independence from traditional power grids, fitting seamlessly into various marinas worldwide. Its boat lift feature and adaptability for diverse electric boats signal a bright future for emission-free maritime exploration.

Source video: EVs Gallery on YouTube

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