Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Boop: Rescuing beauty waste for sustainable savings

Boop's innovative approach is transforming beauty waste into savings and sustainability.


Headlines USA ⇢

Teenager has invented a low-cost tool to spot elephant poachers in real time

"I'm especially excited by innovation focusing on endangered species and environmental science," Puri said.

Students create club to be cheerleaders for the arts such as bands, choirs and photography

“We figured, ‘Why not create something for all of the arts, whether it be choir, band, orchestra, jewelry showcase, photography and art galleries — to give them some publicity and cheer them on?'”

Miraculous fetal brain surgery saves baby girl’s life, paving the way for revolutionary treatments

A baby girl who developed a life-threatening brain condition was successfully treated before she was born.

The sunday paper

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Headlines UK


world news

Bangladesh’s ‘YouTube Village’ has 4 million subscribers watching elderly villagers cooking extravagant feasts

The proceeds help pay for medical care for the grandmas and grandpas who do the cooking.

‘New type of ultraviolet light’ kills 98% of airborne microbes in a room and could help prevent the next pandemic, scientists claim

Far-UVC lamps (pictured) are already commercially available. Far-UVC light has been described as a 'sweet spot' on the UVC light spectrum because it kills microbes without damaging human cells

Close encounter: Tiny asteroid safely zips past Earth, inspiring vigilance

Humanity's vigilance in tracking and learning from celestial visitors keeps our planet safe and inspires cosmic wonder.

Faroe Islands pioneering sustainable tourism: Closing doors to tourists, opening hearts to volunteers

Faroe Islands' innovative approach to tourism fosters community, sustainability, and global camaraderie.
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Canada’s bold move: Free contraception in major health care reform

Canada's new health care reform empowers women with free contraception, a progressive leap forward!

Breaking barriers: The literacy pen revolutionizes reading and writing instantly

Empowering illiterate individuals with instant literacy, the revolutionary Literacy Pen shines as a beacon of hope.

Europe paves the way for a bike-friendly future

Europe's united commitment to cycling heralds a greener, healthier era for all.

Forest harmony: Nature’s transformative healing symphony

Nature's embrace in the Wet Tropics rekindles ancestral wisdom, offering harmony and healing.
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US news

Electric school bus with vehicle-to-grid capability puts electricity into the grid

“SDG&E installed six 60-kilowatt bi-directional DC fast chargers at the Cajon Valley Union bus yard, located in the city of El Cajon.”

UK news

Energizing progress: Swaffham prior transforms into UK’s first heat pump village

Swaffham Prior's pioneering spirit ignites a brighter, greener future for rural energy.

world news

Innovative floating solar panels stalk the sun across the sky

Popular Science cited a study from Leiden University in the Netherlands that evaluated the acreage necessary for solar farms – which ends out to be 40-5 times that of coal facilities and 90-100 times that of gas providers.