Positive News Foundation is an international nonprofit, located in The Hague (The Netherlands, Europe) under the Dutch name “Stichting Positive News”. The Positive News Foundation aims to boost social progress in the world by promoting positive journalism, which informs and inspires the public and strengthens the position of positive news on a global scale. The foundation is achieving its goal by:
- Enabling public awareness campaigns aimed at social progress and expansion of international positive news,
- Supporting positive, independent, and international (investigative) journalism and media organizations,
- Promoting knowledge exchange and stimulating mutual cooperation between international positive news publishers,
- Providing advice and connecting volunteers to various international positive news initiatives to support and initiate projects,
- And other initiatives that contribute to the goal.
The Positive News Foundation is a certified non-profit (Dutch: ANBI) and aims for the common good.
Positive News Foundation
World Trade Center The Hague
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
NL – 2595AM The Hague
The Netherlands (Europe)
Bank number IBAN #NL93 TRIO 0320 4381 55
Dutch Chamber of Commerce #85046248
RSIN #863486137
The foundation is led by an unpaid and independent board, consisting of three members:
IN THE CHAIR: E. Taverne chair@positivenewsfoundation.org
SECRETARY: A. Carvalhaes secretary@positivenewsfoundation.org
TREASURY: G. van Egmond treasury@positivenewsfoundation.org