Sunday, February 16, 2025
Good News in the WorldEuropeArchaeological delights: Pompeii's latest excavation uncovers fabled fresco depicting ancient culinary marvel

Archaeological delights: Pompeii’s latest excavation uncovers fabled fresco depicting ancient culinary marvel

Recent excavations in Pompeii have unveiled captivating finds, including a remarkably well-preserved fresco featuring a pizza-like creation on a silver platter. Unearthed within a 19th-century explored “insula,” this site now reveals a rich tapestry of history, including a bakery oven, intricate frescos, a kitchen shrine with serpents, and poignant skeletons.

Although the depicted item resembles pizza, experts posit it’s more likely a form of focaccia due to the absence of tomatoes and mozzarella. This discovery offers a slice of ancient culinary evolution, symbolizing how humble fare can ascend to global culinary prominence. As Pompeii continues to yield secrets, its future exploration holds boundless promise.

Source video: BBC News on YouTube

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