Sunday, September 15, 2024
Good News in the WorldGlobalComposting clothing: fashion's optimistic step toward sustainability

Composting clothing: fashion’s optimistic step toward sustainability

In a bold move towards sustainable fashion, brands like Stripe & Stare, H&M, and Stella McCartney are championing biodegradable clothing that can be composted, reducing the staggering 84% of clothing that ends up in landfills or incinerators. While challenges exist, including the need for universal compost standards and recycling infrastructure, the industry is making strides

Textile recycling innovations, like Sweden’s transformed paper factory that turns old denim into new cotton, hint at wider adoption. The shift to quality over quantity and government incentives for responsible manufacturing are seen as key steps towards a greener, less disposable fashion future.

Source video: The Economist on YouTube

Source image: Pexels/ pixabay


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