Saturday, July 27, 2024
Good News in the WorldEuropeElectric ‘flying’ ferries are about to take off in Stockholm

Electric ‘flying’ ferries are about to take off in Stockholm

A sea change in commuting launches in Stockholm next month with the arrival of a ‘flying’ ferry that runs on electricity.

The Swedish capital currently relies on a feet of more than 60 smut-belching diesel ferries, which serve as public transport for the 2.4m people that live in and around Stockholm. The city encompasses 14 islands on an extensive Baltic sea archipelago.

The new ferry is expected to be the world’s fastest electric passenger boat, and has been designed by Swedish startup Candela. They plan to launch the first 30-seat vessel in …

Source video: Candela Boats on Youtube

Source image: Candela

Source text: Positive.News

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