In a groundbreaking achievement, the Goldwind GWH252-16MW, the world’s largest wind turbine, shattered records by generating a remarkable 384.1 megawatt hours (MWh) of clean energy in a single day. Nestled off the coast of Fujian Province, China, this colossal turbine, boasting a colossal 252-meter diameter, weathered a typhoon while powering the equivalent of 170,000 homes, or illuminating 38 million LEDs, or fueling electric cars for a staggering 2.2 million kilometers. What sets this marvel apart is its ability to adapt to fierce typhoon winds, a feat unmatched by most turbines, ensuring a bright future for wind energy in China, the global leader in renewable power.
Good News in the WorldGlobalRecord-breaking giant wind turbine powers optimism in China's renewable energy future
Record-breaking giant wind turbine powers optimism in China’s renewable energy future
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