Thursday, January 16, 2025
Good News in the WorldResilience of nature: 'Extinct' Brazilian Holly Tree rediscovered after 200 years

Resilience of nature: ‘Extinct’ Brazilian Holly Tree rediscovered after 200 years

In a remarkable twist of fate, a tiny holly tree species presumed extinct for two centuries has made a triumphant comeback. The Ilex sapiiformis, also known as the Pernambuco holly, was rediscovered in Brazil as part of a global conservation effort to find long-lost species.

This heartwarming discovery adds to a growing list of revitalized species, shedding light on the resilience of our planet’s biodiversity. The search continues for more “lost” treasures, offering hope for the future.

Source video: LSU AgCenter on YouTube

Source image: JosepMonter / pixabay


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