Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Good News in the WorldUnderwater gallery reopens, unveiling river's endangered gems

Underwater gallery reopens, unveiling river’s endangered gems

Worcester’s underwater gallery reopens, unveiling hope for an endangered species in the River Severn. The Diglis Island and Fish Pass, aiding species navigation, now welcomes visitors. The return of the twaite shad, absent for 180 years, marks a major milestone.

Explore the underwater viewing gallery to witness diverse fish varieties. The pass is part of the Unlocking the Severn project, managed by the Canal and River Trust, Severn Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency, and Natural England. Lorna Pedersen from the Canal and River Trust expresses excitement, highlighting the opportunity to support biodiversity and witness the fish’s remarkable journey.

Source video: Arirang News on YouTube

Source image: 12019 / pixabay


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