Sunday, September 15, 2024
Success StoriesUnlocking the power of invisible waves: new prototype uses radio frequencies to...

Unlocking the power of invisible waves: new prototype uses radio frequencies to power devices without batteries

A team of researchers from the University of Central Florida’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has developed a prototype system that harnesses the electrical potential of radio frequencies to power ultra-low powered devices without the need for batteries or sensors.

The UCF device makes use of piezoelectric materials, which generate an electrical charge through mechanical stress on solid objects, to harvest the wasted electrical potential of radio frequencies. The technology integrates power scavenging and spectrum sensing capabilities into a passive module, eliminating the need for power-intensive sensing modules.

The device can also understand the occupancy of frequencies in the area and scavenge energy from the radio frequency power emitted from nearby IoT nodes. The concept is especially geared towards powering low-powered IoT sensors and devices in urban environments where practical limitations on devices exist. The team is currently seeking partners for production.

Source video: ikinamo

Source image: JohnDiLiberto / Pixabay


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