Saturday, July 27, 2024
InspirationSigns of hope: Brazil's Amazon sees 50% drop in deforestation, marking a...

Signs of hope: Brazil’s Amazon sees 50% drop in deforestation, marking a turning point

In a promising turn of events, Brazil’s Amazon rainforest witnessed a remarkable 50% reduction in deforestation in 2023, marking the lowest rate in five years, according to data from the country’s space agency.

President Lula’s commitment to halt deforestation by 2030 appears to be gaining traction, with a significant drop from 10,278 sq km in 2022 to 5,153 sq km in 2023. Bolstered by intensified efforts by environmental watchdog Ibama, this positive trend is a crucial step towards realizing Brazil’s zero deforestation goal and safeguarding the vital Amazon ecosystem.

Source video: WION on YouTube

Source image: 2taol / pixabay


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