Saturday, September 14, 2024
Good News in the WorldCanadaThis new dispenser system could revolutionise zero waste shopping

This new dispenser system could revolutionise zero waste shopping

Canadian company The Aggressive Good (TAG) has launched a new system aimed at revolutionising zero-waste grocery shopping. TAGPod eliminates the need for customers to get their containers weighed before filling them, using a “one-touch, user-friendly interface that enables shoppers to easily customise the amount of product they wish to purchase”.

Customers tap an RFID card on the dispenser, which activates it, and then hold the button down until their container is full. The system also benefits retailers, enabling them to sell more per square foot and allowing food manufacturers to distribute product in reusable cartridges instead of single-use packaging.

Each food item for sale has its own dispenser, with internal scales for measurement. The technology has been developed for a world that needs to eliminate potential for cross-contamination and is being piloted at the Natural Food Pantry in Ottawa.

Source video: Localish on Youtube

Source image: The aggressive good

Source: Treehugger

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