Sunday, September 15, 2024
GlobalOtherGraphcast: Revolutionizing weather forecasting with AI precision

Graphcast: Revolutionizing weather forecasting with AI precision

GraphCast, a groundbreaking AI weather model, is revolutionizing global forecasting. Providing unrivaled 10-day predictions in under a minute, it surpasses industry standards like the ECMWF’s HRES. Trained on decades of data, GraphCast combines machine learning and Graph Neural Networks for pinpoint accuracy at 0.25-degree resolution.

Its efficiency, requiring just two sets of data, outshines traditional methods. Notably, it predicts extreme weather events earlier, aiding preparedness. Open-sourcing its code ensures global accessibility. GraphCast heralds a new era in weather forecasting as the most accurate system, benefiting billions worldwide.

Source video: Google DeepMind on YouTube

Source image: Mohamed_hassan / pixabay


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