Tuesday, January 14, 2025
GlobalOtherMassive prehistoric Dolphin unearthed in Amazon's depths

Massive prehistoric Dolphin unearthed in Amazon’s depths

Imagine a dolphin twice the size of a person swimming in the ancient waters of the Peruvian Amazon!

Scientists have uncovered a fascinating discovery, a colossal dolphin species named Pebanista yacuruna.

This ancient cetacean, around 16 million years old, measured at least 11 feet long, making it the largest known freshwater dolphin.

Unlike its modern relatives in South Asia, Pebanista yacuruna’s closest kin, it thrived in freshwater lakes.

This remarkable find sheds light on the evolution of freshwater dolphins and highlights the Amazon’s crucial role in their history.

While extinct, this giant dolphin’s legacy offers insights into …

Source video: ABS-CBN News on YouTube

Source image: PublicDomainImages / Pixabay

Source: edition.cnn.com

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