Friday, December 13, 2024
GlobalOtherMedical breakthrough: Surgeons implant world’s first 3D-printed rib

Medical breakthrough: Surgeons implant world’s first 3D-printed rib

In an extraordinary achievement, surgeons have successfully implanted a 3D-printed rib into a patient at Tokuda Hospital in Bulgaria.

Using an FDA-approved material called Nylon 680, the rib was crafted in less than 24 hours for just $114, making it much more affordable than traditional titanium implants.

This groundbreaking procedure marks a new era in thoracic wall reconstruction, with plans for additional surgeries including three ribs and a sternum.

Professor Tzvetan Minchev expresses optimism, highlighting the material’s compatibility and accuracy for tailored implants.

The patient, Ivaylo Josifov, is now in …

Source video: Arirang News on YouTube

Source image: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay


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