Monday, February 10, 2025
GlobalOtherTriumphant Airlift: 136 juvenile Galápagos tortoises return home in historic conservation effort

Triumphant Airlift: 136 juvenile Galápagos tortoises return home in historic conservation effort

In a historic conservation effort, the Galapagos Conservancy has triumphantly airlifted 136 juvenile Galápagos tortoises to their natural habitat on Isabela Island. Thanks to public donations funding helicopter support, the tortoises were spared a challenging journey by sea and shoulder transport across lava fields.

Raised with care at the Breeding and Rearing Center, these 5 to 9-year-olds are now thriving in their homeland, contributing to the ecological balance of the Ecuadoran island chain. This milestone, celebrated by Dr. Jorge Carrión, signifies a giant leap in the ongoing Galápagos conservation mission.

Source video: UN Environment Programme on YouTube

Source image: Alexas_Fotos / pixabay


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