Friday, May 3, 2024

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Forest harmony: Nature’s transformative healing symphony

Nature's embrace in the Wet Tropics rekindles ancestral wisdom, offering harmony and healing.


Headlines USA ⇢

New treatment helps alopecia patients regrow their hair

The study is based on Phase 3 clinical trials using baricitinib to treat alopecia areata, an often disfiguring skin disease characterized by rapid loss of scalp hair, and sometimes eyebrows and eyelashes.

Man takes teens without father figures on fishing excursions

Thousands of children have participated in the fishing program

US renewables generated more electricity than either coal or nuclear in 2020

For first time on record, US renewables generated more electricity than either coal or nuclear in 2020
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Headlines UK


world news

Laughter emerges as heart-boosting therapy in groundbreaking study

Laughter therapy brings newfound hope to heart patients, promoting healing with joy.

Librarian superhero Mychal Threets sparks library love in the social media spotlight

Threets, the library superhero, rekindles joy in reading, making libraries the heart of inclusive community connection.

Bacteria upcycle carbon waste into valuable chemicals

Engineered bacteria convert captured carbon dioxide into chemicals for fuels, fabric and cosmetics.

Bitcoin’s transaction volume surpasses visa: A bright future for decentralized finance

Bitcoin's record-breaking transaction volume heralds a decentralized financial revolution!
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UK’s thriving giant redwoods: Green guardians against climate change

Thriving giant redwoods in the UK are nature's champions in capturing carbon!

France’s bold move: Parliament votes against fast fashion pollution

France's parliament celebrates a milestone victory in the fight for sustainable fashion.

Fashion revolution: Secondhand style set to soar to 10% of market by 2025

The rise of secondhand fashion heralds a brighter, more sustainable future for the industry!

Hedgehog conservation enters the AI era: A brighter future beckons!

The innovative use of AI in hedgehog conservation offers a ray of hope for their survival amidst declining populations.
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US news

Student turned heartbreak into a lifelong mission to spread love and kindness

Girl started Letters of Love, a club to emotionally support children battling cancer and other serious illnesses through letter-writing and craft-making

UK news

A stylist who gives free haircuts to homeless people has sparked a global movement

The ‘do something for nothing’ movement that started with a free haircut

world news

600 hospitals get free LEGO MRI scanners to reduce anxiety in young patients 

Using the LEGO model has led to more positive, calm experiences for many children.