Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Good News in the WorldGlobalNew discovery: Africa's Sky Islands home to hundreds of unique species

New discovery: Africa’s Sky Islands home to hundreds of unique species

A groundbreaking study unveils a hidden treasure trove of biodiversity in Africa’s isolated sky islands.

Dubbed the South East Africa Montane Archipelago (SEAMA), this newly recognized ecoregion spans 30 mountains across Malawi and Mozambique.

Scientists, after decades of research, have uncovered over 100 new species including the fascinating Mabu bush viper.

This biodiversity hotspot, threatened by deforestation and agriculture, calls for urgent conservation efforts.

The discovery not only enriches our understanding of ecosystems but also underscores the importance of international collaboration in preserving our planet’s unique habitats

SEAMA’s allure lies not just in its biological wonders but in the hope …

Source video: Top Discovery on YouTube

Source image: Foto-Rabe / Pixabay

Source: forbes.com

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