Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Good News in the WorldEuropeIsolotto: the biodegradable island cultivating marine life in the Mediterranean Sea

Isolotto: the biodegradable island cultivating marine life in the Mediterranean Sea

Angelo Renna and Apurva Baldawa have unveiled the remarkable ‘Isolotto,’ an artificial biodegradable island set to revolutionize marine life in the Mediterranean Sea. Crafted from eco-friendly cork, gypsum, and natural glue, this floating marvel promises to decompose naturally, leaving no trace of pollution. Its ingenious internal cork structure enables it to support a lush bed of plants and vegetation, fostering a thriving underwater ecosystem. The non-toxic gypsum layer on the surface provides a nurturing haven for microorganisms and plants, ensuring a continuous cycle of new habitats. With ‘Isolotto,’ a beacon of hope shines bright for sustainable solutions in marine conservation.

Source video: Angelo Renna on YouTube

Source image: shadi6454 / pixabay


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