Sunday, February 16, 2025
Good News in the WorldRoaring success: tiger populations thrive in India and Bhutan, inspiring conservation hope

Roaring success: tiger populations thrive in India and Bhutan, inspiring conservation hope

In a heartening development, India and Bhutan are celebrating a surge in their wild tiger populations. India boasts a remarkable 3,682 tigers, accounting for 75% of the world’s total, marking a 6% annual increase. Bhutan’s count, a staggering 131 tigers, rose by 27% since 2015.

This conservation success story reflects dedicated efforts to counter rampant poaching and habitat loss. Tigers, vital to ecosystem equilibrium, face challenges like human-tiger conflicts. However, Bhutan’s model of coexistence could inspire global harmony. As we observe International Tiger Day, these strides remind us of the resilient beauty of nature amidst modern challenges.

Source video: South China Morning Post on YouTube

Source image: Pexels / pixabay


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