Tuesday, July 2, 2024
GlobalOtherBarcelona's bold plan: Reclaim streets for residents with "Superblocks"

Barcelona’s bold plan: Reclaim streets for residents with “Superblocks”

Barcelona is fighting traffic and pollution with a new plan called “Superblocks.”

These are mini-neighborhoods where most streets are closed to cars. Instead, they become areas for people to walk, bike, and relax.

This plan is expected to reduce traffic by 21% and make the city much healthier.

It will also create more green spaces and make it easier to get around by bus or bike.

The city is hopeful that superblocks will make Barcelona a more livable city for everyone.

The idea is to give streets back to people. Residents will be able to …

Source video: Vox on YouTube

Source image: tiburi / Pixabay

Source: theguardian.com

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