Friday, April 26, 2024

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Historic agreement: Prairie Creek project land returns to Yurok Tribe

Collaboration ushers in a new era of conservation and Indigenous stewardship


Headlines USA ⇢

Revolutionizing transportation: blueprint aims to eliminate emissions by 2050

Climate policy is transportation policy is energy policy is housing policy. Everything connects.

Building a greener tomorrow: Hempcrete’s rise in sustainable architecture

Hempcrete, the eco-champion of construction, promises a greener future with carbon-negative innovation and energy-efficient homes.

Solar-powered micro-factory in New York transforms plastic waste into green innovation

Innovative MicroFactory sparks hope, turning plastic waste into eco-friendly treasures.

The sunday paper

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Headlines UK


world news

Clean energy growth limits 2022 global CO2 emissions increase

Renewable energy's resilience helped curb CO2 emissions in 2022, offering hope for a greener future.

Zurimanz: The rising tourist gem, ‘Bangladesh of Kashmir’

Zurimanz's rebirth as a tourist hotspot beautifully symbolizes the resilience of Kashmir's spirit.

Boom in nesting sites of sea turtles as conservation pays off

Great news from one of the three biggest nesting sites of the world

Hundreds of Mayan cities, roads, and towns with ball courts discovered in Guatemala

“The consistency of architectural forms and constructions within a specified geographical territory suggests a centralized political, social, and economic organic solidarity among the occupants."
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States lead charge for child-safe social media amid mental health concerns

Through collaborative efforts, states are pioneering a transformative approach to ensure our children navigate online spaces safely, fostering a brighter, healthier digital future.

Eco-conscious funerals: Embracing green alternatives for a sustainable farewell

Green funerals offer a respectful and sustainable way to bid farewell to loved ones.

UK’s ethical shopping surges amidst cost of living crisis: Fairtrade income hits £13m

Consumer commitment to ethical shopping uplifts global communities, fostering sustainable trade for a brighter future.

Ordnance survey’s new UK wildlife data: Revolutionizing conservation efforts!

Ordnance Survey's latest data upgrades promise to revolutionize conservation efforts, safeguarding the rich biodiversity of the UK for generations to come.
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US news

Accurate e-tattoos are developed to monitor blood pressure – promises continuous, mobile monitoring

Roozbeh Jafari, co-leader of the project, described cuff-less blood pressure monitoring as the “holy grail”.

UK news

13-Year-Old finds ancient axes on metal-detecting trip

A 13-year-old girl in England uncovered a pile of Bronze Age axes on her third metal-detecting trip

world news

From waste to worth: how human urine is revolutionizing agriculture

Helping the environment and fertilizing crops by upcycling pee