Thursday, January 16, 2025
Good News in the WorldUKInside Darwin's lost library: Unveiling hidden treasures from down house to Cambridge,...

Inside Darwin’s lost library: Unveiling hidden treasures from down house to Cambridge, UK!

Journey into the intellectual sanctum of the legendary naturalist as Darwin Online unveils a groundbreaking 300-page catalog, resurrecting 7,400 titles across 13,000 volumes from Charles Darwin’s personal collection.

This meticulous 18-year endeavor transcends previous incomplete catalogs, exposing the vast depth of Darwin’s voracious reading habits and the hidden gems within his “working library.” From philosophical treatises to controversial works on gorillas, the revelations are as diverse as the man himself.

Join us on a literary detective trail that reshapes our understanding of Darwin, celebrating his 215th birthday with a trove of unexpected treasures. Explore the article for a glimpse into history’s lost intellectual treasures.

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